Q. I don’t see Add To Card button for darbuka-nut. What should I do?
A. That means you’ve already purchased darbuka-nut. Please log-in and go to My Account –> My Products page.
Q. Can I download my product as soon as I purchase it?
A. Yes. You can download the product on the product page.
Q. Is there a user manual for darbuka-nut?
A. Yes. There is a user manual and you can download it at the bottom of this page.
Q. When I use my license file with darbuka-nut, it crashes. I am using Windows. What should I do?
A. You need to run your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) in administrator mode and try again.
Volko Alaturka Drum
Q. What’s the difference between the “evaluation” version and the “full” version of Volko Alaturka Drum?
A. There are no functional differences. Only after 30 days of evaluating the product you are asked to buy a license or uninstall it from your computer.
Q. Which hosts does Volko Alaturka Drum work with?
A. It works with all of the hosts that support VST, AU and RTAS.
Q. Does Volko Alaturka Drum support drag-n-drop functionality for midi files?
A. Yes. Simply drag the midi file and drop it on the work area of the host station. You can also update the contents of the midi file.
Q. Where is the registration information for my product?
A. You can see your registration information in your account. Just login to the system and click My Account -> My Products link. You will see your products and relevant information.
Q. Can you help me retrieve my missing license file?
A. Yes. You can retrieve your license file from My Account -> My Products page.
Q. Where is the installation folder of Volko Alaturka Drum?
A. In Windows platforms it will be installed under the plugin folder of your host station (For example, Steinberg hosts will have an installation path of “C:Program FilesSteinbergVstplugins”). Installation program tries to identify it. If it cannot identify the plugin folder you have to enter the path manually during installation. In Mac OS X platforms three folders are used: Audio Unit module under “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components”, VST module under “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST” and other modules under “/Library/Application Support/VolkoAudio/VolkoAlaturkaDrum” folders.
Q. There is only a .dll file, where is the program?
A. Alaturka Drum is provided in the form of a plugin (the .dll file). This means that you will need to use it within audio production or editing software. There are many of these available for both MAC and PC, most of which provide free demos, and several of which are provided as free/shareware. Once you have chosen your host software, you will need to install the plugin in the host’s plugin directory and then use the plugin within the host software.
Q. I am upgrading to a newer version of Volko Alaturka Drum. Do I need to uninstall the old version first?
A. Yes. You need to uninstall it first then you can install the new one.
Q. How do I uninstall Volko Alaturka Drum?
A. In Windows platforms, you can use the uninstall program that comes with installation. In Mac OS X platforms, for Audio Unit module delete VolkoAlaturkaDrum.component file from “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components” folder, for VST module delete VolkoAlaturkaDrum.vst file from “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST” folder and for other modules delete VolkoAlaturkaDrum folder from “/Library/Application Support/VolkoAudio” folder.
Q. When I click the play button I do not hear anything?
A. VolkoAlaturkaDrum needs to load the samples to the memory before it starts to run the midi loops. Please wait till the samples are loaded and memory counter has stopped counting.
Q. What should I do if I am having trouble using Volko Alaturka Drum?
Step 1. Review the information that comes with the program.
The following resources may help: the Users’ Manual, and this FAQ document.
Step 2. Check for updates. We may have already detected the problem and corrected it in the latest version of the program.
Step 3. If the problem persists, contact Volko Audio’s technical support staff at [email protected]. Please include the following details, so that we will be able to help you.
– What version of platform (PC, MAC) and operating system version are you running?
– What is your host program?
– Any error messages and details about what you were doing with the program when the problem occurred?
– Crash report files if available.
Q. Can I get technical support for Volko Alaturka Drum?
A. Of course you can. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any problems. We are here to help you.
Q. How can I send my suggestions about Volko Alaturka Drum to you?
A. We are always looking for ways to improve our products. Please let us know about your suggestions using [email protected] e-mail address.
Q. Is downloading over the Internet safe? Will I get a virus or something?
A. Downloading programs over the internet is very safe and millions of people do it every day. All software dowloaded from Volko Audio servers are very safe.
Q. How can I keep Volko Alaturka Drum current and up-to-date?
A. To keep your program up to date, periodically check our web site or subscribe to our newsletter from My Account -> Subscriptions page.
Q. How can I tell which version of Volko Alaturka Drum I have?
A. Start Volko Alaturka Drum and select About to see the version number.
Q. Do you offer discounts to Educators/Students/Educational Institutions?
A. We offer discounted commercial license for users who are in the educational sector and institutions.
Volko Baglama
Q. Is there a Mac OS X version of Volko Baglama?
A. Unfortunately we do not support Mac OS X for Volko Baglama.
Q. Can I download my product as soon as I purchase it?
A. Yes. After your purchase you can download all of your products instantly. You just need to login our system, go to My Account -> My Products on the menu and you will see your download links.
Q. Is there a user manual for Volko Baglama?
A. Yes. There is a user manual and you can download it at the top of this page.
Q. What’s the difference between the “demo” version and the “full” version of Volko Baglama?
A. The “demo” version has a “Volko Demo” sound playing for some samples.
Q. Which hosts does Volko Baglama work with?
A. It works with all of the hosts that support VST.
Q. Where is the registration password for my product?
A. You can see your registration information in your account. Just login to the system and click My Account -> My Products link. You will see your products and relevant information.
Q. Can you help me retrieve my missing registration password?
A. It is only possible if you have already registered your serial number properly on our registration page.
Q. Where is the installation folder of Volko Baglama?
A. It will be installed under the plugin folder of your host station (For example, Steinberg hosts will have an installation path of “C:Program FilesSteinbergVstplugins”). Installation program tries to identify it. If it cannot identify the plugin folder you have to enter the path manually during installation.
Q. There is only a .dll file, where is the program?
A. Our software is provided in the form of a plugin (the .dll file). This means that you will need to use it within audio production or editing software. There are many of these available for PC, most of which provide free demos, and several of which are provided as free/shareware. Once you have chosen your host software, you will need to install the plugin in the host’s plugin directory and then use the plugin within the host software.
Q. I am upgrading to a new version of Volko Baglama. Do I need to uninstall the old version first?
A. Yes. You need to uninstall it first then you can install the new one.
Q. How do I uninstall Volko Baglama?
A. You can use the uninstall program that comes with installation.
Q. What should I do if I am having trouble using Volko Baglama?
Step 1. Review the information that came with the program.
The following resources may help: the Users’ Manual, and this FAQ document.
Step 2. Check for updates. We may have already detected the problem and corrected it in the latest version of the program.
Step 3. If the problem persists, contact Volko Audio’s technical support staff at [email protected]. Please include the following details, so that we will be able to help you.
– What operating system version are you running?
– What is your host program?
– Any error messages and details about what you were doing with the program when the problem occurred?
– Crash report files if available.
Q. Can I get technical support for Volko Baglama?
A. Please! Do not hesitate to contact us for any matter. We are here to help you.
Q. How can I send my suggestions about Volko Baglama to you?
A. We are always looking for ways to improve our products. Please let us know about your suggestions using [email protected] e-mail address.
Q. Is downloading over the Internet safe? Will I get a virus or something?
A. Downloading programs over the internet is very safe and millions of people do it every day. All software dowloaded from Volko Audio servers are very safe.
Q. How can I keep Volko Baglama current and up-to-date?
A. To keep your program up to date, periodically check our web site or subscribe to our newsletter from My Account -> Subscriptions page.
Q. How can I tell which version of Volko Baglama I have?
A. Start Volko Baglama and select About to see the version number.
Q. Do you offer discounts to Educators/Students/Educational Institutions?
A. We offer a range of discounts to those in the educational sector and institutions. If you feel that your circumstances meet these criteria, please email us at [email protected] for further details.